International Human Rights Day 2021 marks 100 Million's fifth anniversary. Together, we've built a strong, global youth-led movement, united in solidarity to demand that every child and young person is free, safe and educated.
Since 10 December 2021, over a million youth activists have come together to support the 100 Million campaign. Together, we have marched, rallied, chanted, written, and spoken up for the rights of the world’s most vulnerable children and young people in over 90 countries. We have engaged over 3,000 decision-makers, and partnered with over 160 youth- student- and survivor-led organisations, representing over 100 million young people across the world.
And we are making a difference.
From young people in Sweden successfully advocating for their government to increase their global education funding by over 30%; survivor-led action across India fighting for an end to child-trafficking; to the world's largest student representative bodies coming together to demand Justice for Every Child during COVID-19, young people have demonstrated time and time again the power in refusing to be silent while the rights of your peers are denied.
Now more than ever, youth activists and youth-led organisations must maintain pressure. With enormous thanks to our friends and partners across civil society for their solidarity in creating space for youth voices, it is time for young people to take their rightful seat at the table. Representative and genuinely youth-led organisations must be given the microphone. All of us who are part of the 100 Million movement will continue to create these spaces, and to ensure that mandated young people are representing the hundreds of millions of children who are yet to realise their rights to freedom, safety, and education.
We have created a snapshot of the work we have achieved together over the last five years. Thank you for your solidarity - our story continues!
Here are five examples of change achieved by youth-campaigners in their countries in the last five years:
(Scroll and click the image to expand)
